As we return from our pseudo-spring break this week, it is apparent that 4th quarter is in full swing. I feel that I can speak for all seniors when I say that the struggle of senioritis is real. However, whether you’re an eager freshman still looking forward to finals or a complacent, college-bound senior, most NCHS students share the same state of mind: We want summer.
Tag: senior
Students raise $30K on annual Scholarship Sunday
Carly Risom
On Apr. 7, the annual Scholarship Sunday Drive was hosted at NCHS. The Drive, which is the one of the biggest fundraising events for the NCHS Scholarship Foundation, is supported by volunteers who go door-to-door asking for monetary donations from community members. On Sunday, groups students received maps of their local routes at NCHS, and then set off to walk or drive them.
Do Spring Break ’13 Like a Pro
In approximately 24 hours, students will be dismounting their treadmills and boarding flights to various tropical resorts for the greatest week of their lives. After weeks of pretending to do school work and recycling the same pair of lululemon leggings each day, Spring Break 2013 is upon here. As I considered the ways I could try and recreate Laguna Beach season 1 on my California trip this week, I came up with a few tips on how to make this break worthwhile. If you’re going on a trip this year, avoid #SB13Probz by doing the following.
Second Semester Senior Slump
Along with the alliteration, the second semester senior slump is being seen all throughout the halls of NCHS. As the weather warms up, work ethic and motivation is cooling down. To all you underclassmen: be jealous, and to the teachers: beware.
College touring made easy (or at least less painful)
A few years ago “college” was merely a distant milestone, a backdrop for summer comedies, and perhaps your father’s favorite nostalgic topic. But now, as my fellow seniors and I plunge into the application process, “college” has lost its quotation marks and has become a serious reality. And like most serious realities, it is not always a walk in the quad.So, for the sake of my peers’ mental health, I have made a list of a few observations and guidelines for the inevitable family college tour.