Abby Weiss and Caroline Castle, Reporters @AWeissCourant, @ccastlecourant To finish off the school year, the Courant asked a bunch of upperclassman for advice on the second half
Tag: senior year
The end is near
Griffin Paterson, Senior Editor @GPCourant 7 words and phrases that take on a new meaning as a second semester senior: Due Tomorrow: What it usually
Stressed, Depressed, and School-Obsessed(The Life of a Second Semester Senior)
Emily Azzarito, Senior I’m not really sure why I’m writing this. I don’t even take journalism. I’m not getting credit for this. I’m certainly
The things I wish I knew, before I got to here
Elizabeth Kilbride Opinions Editor Some of the the following items are going to be quite literal, and you can feel free to take it as
The one year difference between seniorhood and juniordom
Isabelle Herde
“When school first started, I didn’t think junior year would be as bad as people say, but within the first month I realized that they were right,” junior Molly Joyce said.
Seniors are posting their college acceptances on Facebook as juniors refresh Naviance for the thousandth time, checking their odds of getting into the college of their dreams.