Students chosen to receive awards at annual recognition assembly

Emily Jackson

On June 1, students and faculty of NCHS assembled in the auditorium to recognize the accomplishments of its seniors, juniors and a few sophomores. The annual award ceremony congratulated notable members of the student body for their achievements in the past school year. According to Assistant Principal Ari Rothman, the students chosen to receive awards at the assembly are the best representatives of NCHS.

Students recognized for outstanding achievement

Kate Howard
News Editor

On Friday, June 3, over 100 awards were given to seniors, juniors, and a few sophomores at the annual Recognition Assembly held in the auditorium. The hour and a half event presented awards to students for their independent achievements while their peers, teachers and parents watched in the packed audience.

Awards Assembly honors outstanding students

Kelly Saiz

On Friday, June 4, seniors, juniors, and a very few sophomores received awards for their academic, co-curricular, and creative merit during the Senior Awards Assembly. The annual event took place in the auditorium, where teachers, students, and parents watched the hour and a half long show…