Have cliques clicked into place for good?

Taylor du Pont
Multimedia Editor

When I look around the lounge during the lunch periods, the four grades are plainly divided. The seniors and juniors sit close to the buses, the sophomores sit smack in the center, and the freshman sit next to the courtyard. This deep division within our student body has become a tradition; incoming freshman always take their place, and gain better seating as they climb the NCHS hierarchy.

Hitting the books during summer vacation

For senior Julie Newton, who is currently applying to colleges, the past summer has taken on a new dimension than previous ones. “School played a huge factor in my vacation, because I’m going through the college process,” she said. “I still had to make some visits while balancing summer work for school, writing my college essay, and filling out applications.”

U.S. history class explores the Roaring Twenties

Kate Howard & Monica Nair
News Editor & Reporter

On Feb. 29, over the course of three periods, students from Michael Staffaroni’s U.S. history class engaged themselves in various interactive stations portraying topics of the 1920s. The goal of this assignment was for each pair of students to deliver a presentation to their classmates in a creative manner as an alternative to sitting in a classroom.

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