PLL Recap: She’s in the Class “A” Team

Monica Nair
Photos and Graphics Editor

Listen up PLL minions because this week’s recap is about to blow your minds! Rocking the classic pink and white candy stripers costume, the fab…three (yes, Spence is still in rehab) made a quick visit to the morgue. Casual, right? Too bad Toby wasn’t there to snag an Insta selfie, ya know, being dead and all.

Gossip Girl: The End of an Era

Hey there Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl is officially over! On Dec. 17, we bid farewell to our one and only “scandalous guide into Manhattan’s elite,” and sat down for the most memorable finale of 2012. In case you missed the juiciest installment of all six seasons, let me recap so you have something to talk about for the next couple of weeks at lunch.

The fault in your booklist

On Jan. 10 acclaimed author, Nerdfighter deity, and Courant-tribute-recipient John Green published The Fault in our Stars. Since that fateful day, it has received universal praise from fellow writers and readers alike. Not to mention he signed every freakin’ copy, excluding a few like those at the high school library (my pre-order was signed in green sharpie. I smelled it immediately, like any totally normal person would.)

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