The prevalence of chivalry among students today

Molly Stine

In medieval times, knights rode around on horses and acted in a way that made every woman swoon. Chivalry was the guide by which these knights lived, but in today’s modern society, many wonder if chivalry is still alive, relevant, and expected in a man’s courtship of a woman.

Summer Lovin’

Lizzy Burke & Tyler Kendall
Features Editors

Movies such as The Notebook and Grease have influenced generations’ thoughts about relationships over summer vacation, showing the romantic and carefree aspects of love outside of school.

For some students, summer lovin’ isn’t always as perfect as the movies. “I was gone for most of the summer and my boyfriend was at home, which made it hard for us to be together,” junior Sara Wilson said. “The break from school was certainly a challenge for us.”