Fashion Night Out brings in big bucks for senior post prom

Emily Brand
News Editor

The class of 2013 had the chance to dress up in the latest prom and casual wear to strut their stuff on the runway last Saturday, March 2 when NCHS hosted the annual Fashion Night Out. The event helps raise money for the senior post prom party, and is considered one of the last bonding events for the senior class. The event promoted many local New Canaan businesses and even featured a number from the upcoming spring musical, “Beauty and the Beast.”

Seniors walk the runway at the Starry Nite of Style

Kelly Saiz

On Saturday, seniors hit the runway at the eighth annual Starry Nite of Style, the post-prom fundraiser. This year, the hour-long show featured over 90 models wearing an array of prom and post-prom fashions.

Starry Nite of Style has never had so many participants. “We have a record number of kids this year. We didn’t say no to anybody, they were great!” Co-Chair Bridget Robustelli said.

The seniors were only required to attend one meeting, fitting, and dress rehearsal in preparation for the show. Everything came together in the end, with the last day of fittings just four days before the show date…