Reporter: Abby Weiss @AWeissCourant Picture this: You have just graduated from college and you, along with thirty other people, are having lunch with Barack Obama.
Tag: profile
Edward Rudman makes a splash on the NCHS Swim Team
Chartlotte Spruck, Reporter @cspruckcourant Junior swimming superstar Edward Rudman pushes off of the block, and dives into the pool zooming past his competitors. This year,
Teacher Profile: Marianne Cohen
Maggie Owen, Reporter @mowencourant Teachers come into the education field for many reasons, but for history teacher Marianne Cohen, it was her success on the
Amy Chu: Artist Profile
Maggie Owen, Reporter @mowencourant As a child, Junior Amy Chu did not spend her time watching cartoons or playing with toys, instead she has
Artist Profile: Sam Reynolds
Daniel Konstantinovic Reporter Behind a tripod in Waveny Park, senior Sam Reynolds stands with his hand outstretched, giving direction to his actors while he keeps