Isabella Madrid, News Editor@ImadridCourant On February 14, AP Physics students who have chosen to explore their interests in engineering will participate in the TEAMS competition
Tag: Physics
Talented Teachers: A Glimpse into the Lives of the NCHS Faculty
Meera Srinivasan, Story Editor @meerascourant Throughout the school, teachers are often only known for their subject and love for students, however, what many don’t know
TEAMS: Where classwork becomes competitive
Drew Davis, Features Editor @ddaviscourant When most students think of school competitions, they think of athletics within the FCIAC or state. However, some competitions such
Teacher Profile: Tony Barnett
Paige Skyrm Reporter @pskyrmcourant While most people would assume that teaching is a big enough responsibility on its own, for Tony Barnett, a physics teacher,
NCHS takes new approach to Veterans Day
Holly Santero News Editor @SanteroCourant For Veterans Day, faculty worked together to bring several commemorative aspects to the school day. Instead of the large presentations