Students and faculty comment on possibilities of humor in art

Charlie Dorf
Senior Editor

In theatre, there is the happy mask and the sad mask. Shakespeare wrote tragedies like Macbeth and Hamlet, yet he also wrote comedies like A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Love’s Labors Lost. Norman Rockwell painted pieces about the problems of segregation and racism, but also drew light-hearted pictures of somewhat caricatured American life. Humor, for many artists, is an effective means of adding meaning to a piece of art, taking the picture or photo beyond its simple aesthetic appeal…

Student artwork displayed in Senior Art Exhibit

Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor

As students stroll through the lobby they will find themselves immersed in a free-of-charge art gallery. However in place of Van Gogh, Picasso or Monet, the new generation of art is expressed through the works of the class of 2011. The Senior Art Exhibit, officially presented on the night of May 23rd, displays the works of, you guessed it, the seniors.

Library website re-design by a student, for the students

Harrison Burt

A new edition of the library website was launched prior to the start of the second semester, once Library Department Chair Michelle Luhtala and senior Julia Hofer collaborated to update the site. After the commissioning of Jeanne McDonagh’s Photoshop class for a new website header, Julia’s work was selected because, according to Ms. Luhtala, her collage signified what makes the library a threshold for education advancement.

Carriage Barn exhibits student artwork

Giuliana Savini

Located in Waveny Park, The Carriage Barn Arts Center is a a member-supported, non-profit organization that strives to present quality art to the community through a number of annual exhibitions. From March 13 to April 17, a collection of artwork from NCHS students will be displayed in their “Through Our Eyes” showcase. It features all types of media from the students of AP Photography, Advanced Digital Media, Studio Art, Documentary Photography and Photoshop Design.

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