Painting the path to art school

Bryn Pennetti

For some students, thinking about applying to college provides a sinking feeling in their gut. But besides the forms and interviews, students wishing to attend an art school have a whole different nerve-wracking experience. With thousands applying to major art schools each year, and only a few hundred getting in, the portfolio is the deciding factor.

Senior picnic takes place August 31 due to hurricane delay

Kelly Saiz

Due to Hurricane Irene complications and school cancellations, the senior picnic, originally scheduled to take place on Monday, August 30th was delayed until the following day. The Student Coalition sold senior t-shirts for $5 in front of NCHS at 11 am. In accordance to tradition, members of the class of 2012 gathered later in the high school parking lot to paint car windows. Assistant Principal Ari Rothman attended the event while NCPD officials were busy assisting the town-wide clean up.

Artist nears completion of multi-month project for the Outback

Kelly Saiz

After nearly five months of painting, sophomore Katie Melland is nearing the completion of a mural intended for installation in the Outback Teen Center late this month. Katie designed the mural last August after her mom spotted an article in the New Canaan Advertiser outlining the contest, which requested local painters to create a mural sketch. Later that month Katie submitted a 2’x1’ sketch, which was selected in October.