Hayley George, Reporter@hayleygcourant1 Nestled between the Food and Nutrition classroom and the Wrestling rooms lies a hidden alcove of youth, fun, and creativity: the high
Tag: newspaper
NCHS Courant takes gold medal in CSPA recognition
Katie Tan, Media @KtanCourant The Columbia Scholastic Press Association has been critiquing high school journalism programs for years, and recently they evaluated NCHS’ Courant. All
New Staff Coming to the Courant
Kara Fahey, Reporter @kfaheycourant Going into the 2017-2018 school year we can all be expecting changes in our classes. For Journalism, as our former Editors
Social media is #seriousbusiness
Allie Neugeboren, Reporter @alneugiecourant You stare at the never-ending pile of homework beside you. Your eyes glance over to the glowing screen of your iPhone
New issue of Courant to come out Friday, December 11th
Jenny Levine Editor-in-Chief @JALevineCourant Friday, December 11th NCHS students and faculty can look no further than the school cafeteria, lobby or library to pick up