Gwynne Tenney, Reporter @gtenneycourant On January 21st, the day after the 45th Presidential Inauguration, millions of men and women from around the world joined
Tag: News
New turf brings Dunning Stadium to life
Charlotte Spruck, Sports Editor @cspruckcourant The new turf that was added to Dunning has been a huge conversation starter since the beginning of this year.
Jim Zambarano is awarded as CTEEA Teacher of Excellence
Cat Levine, News Editor @catcourant Jim Zambrano, one of NCHS’s Career and Technology Education teachers, has been recognized by the Connecticut Technology & Engineering Education
“Cover The Athlete” reflects sexism in the media
Holly Santero, Senior Editor @SanteroCourant If you were one of the 24.5 million people who tuned into the Rio Olympics this summer, then you most
NCHS cafeteria named best in state
Chase Strupp, Reporter @cstruppcourant In the past, New Canaan High School has gained state and nationwide recognition for exceptional teachers, high-achieving students, and outstanding athletics.