I Didn’t Vote Today! Why Students Don’t Care About The Election

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor

On April 24 the republican presidential candidates courted the vote of students when Connecticut hosted its round of the Republican Presidential Primaries. However, turnout for the primaries in New Canaan was extremely low, clocking in at only 13 percent. These numbers suggests little interest in the primaries, let alone the presidential race as a whole. So the question arises, do students in the high school care about this election?

Chinese classes introduce language to third graders

Kate Howard
News Editor

On Mar. 28, the Chinese classes visited all three elementary schools to expose third graders to this ancient and increasingly important language at an early age through a 30-minute presentation. Participants created a storybook, which they read to their class in both Chinese and English, then followed the presentation up by engaging the children in story-related games about vocabulary and Chinese characters. The designed lessons included teaching animals, numbers, transportation and food in Chinese.

Scholarship Sunday raised over $29,000

Emily Brand and Isabel Lawrence

On Sunday, Mar. 26, NCHS will host the annual scholarship drive where students go door to door to raise money for scholarships that will send their classmates to college. While all contributions, including those from businesses and families, are appreciated, student involvement can make or break the program. To get involved, students can sign up at a table in the cafeteria from Mar. 20-24. A ‘pep-rally’ will also be held on the 24th and is meant to encourage kids to come out and help raise more money each year.

Dr. Luizzi Reflects

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza

This new school year saw the rise of a new administration under a new principal, Dr. Bryan Luizzi. Dr. Luizzi originally came from Brookfield High School where he served for two years as the assistant principal, and then five years as the principal. He has also worked as the assistant principal of Whisconier Middle School, the dean of students in Litchfield High School, an English teacher and master of technology operations for Newtown Public School. He has degrees from Columbia University, Sacred Heart University, Western Connecticut State University and Clemson University. Here, he reflects on what his transition has been like.