Samantha Axon, Reporter @SAxonCourant One may believe that once November hits, the fall sports are over until August rolls around the next year. But, some
Tag: new canaan
Edward Rudman makes a splash on the NCHS Swim Team
Chartlotte Spruck, Reporter @cspruckcourant Junior swimming superstar Edward Rudman pushes off of the block, and dives into the pool zooming past his competitors. This year,
NCHS students register to vote in the Connecticut primaries
Reilly O’Neill, Reporter @RONeillCourant Calling all seniors and juniors who will be turning 18 by November of 2016! Today at lunch the League of Women
TEAMS: Where classwork becomes competitive
Drew Davis, Features Editor @ddaviscourant When most students think of school competitions, they think of athletics within the FCIAC or state. However, some competitions such
Behind the scenes Of Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee
Caroline Knightly, Features Editor @knightlycourant While some people enjoy a green tea lemonade from Starbucks, or a hot chocolate from Dunkin Donuts, NCHS students can