Abbie Dymond, Sports Editor@abbiedcourant With a late start to the season, mandated mask wearing, and no spectators in the stands, student athletes had a far
Tag: new canaan
Athlete Profile: Julian Brawn
Senior offensive lineman Julian Brawn hopes to continue to be a strong presence on the field this season as he wraps up his high school football
Player Profile: New Canaan Basketball’s Will Bozzella and his return to the floor
Ian Nicholas, Reporter@IanNicholas25 New Canaan Boys basketball has risen to heights they have not reached in decades over the last three seasons. 5th-Year Head Coach
The scoop on summer programs: yet another COVID affected endeavor
Kate Hunter, Features Editor @khuntercourant Amidst a global pandemic, major changes have been implemented to the way we live our lives. Among these changes, summer
New Canaan Police at the BLM Protest
Lauren Doherty, Editor-in-Chief @ldohertycourant On Thursday, June 4th, the New Canaan streets were filled with protestors of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and occupations supporting the