Ramstock returns with a rocking lineup

Kate Howard & Emilie Kushner
Editor-in-chief & Senior Editor

On May 18, students took a break from their homework and gathered in the gym from 7:00- 9:00 p.m. to support the Student Coalition’s (StuCo) annual Ramstock. The winners will be announced tomorrow.

This year’s lineup included current students and staff as well as a New Canaan alumni band, “Love Via Dance Machine”, who are recently coming off their tour with Drake Bell. This band features NCHS alumni Alex Badanes, along with bandmates Jimmy Coberly, Izaiah Yelle and Wiley Esten.

Freaky Friday breaks down lounge boundaries

Isabel Lawrence & Emily Brand

To break the social barriers in the lounge, the Student Advocates hosted NCHS’ first Freaky Friday during an extended lunch block on Friday the 13th. The Student Coalition, Student Advocates and Emerging Leaders banded together to unify the grades with seating, music and ice cream in what could become a tradition.

Resume building: is it worth it?

Kit Clemente
Every Wednesday, junior Molly Stine teaches third graders as a Walter Schalk instructor. Every moment is bittersweet, knowing that when she moves onto college she will miss the program and all it has offered. Other NCHS students are less dejected about moving on, as some admitted to participating in certain activities or taking certain classes solely to build their resumes.

Class registration enters the technology age

Julia Hardy and Monica Nair

Starting on Feb. 25 and running through Mar. 9, class registration was made available online for the first time for student access. Through the use of Powerschool Portal, students could choose classes, view the program of studies book and request a reconsideration of their placement.