AP and honors night offers information on course selection

Emily Brand
News Editor

On Feb. 7 at 7:00 p.m. the honors and AP night was held at NCHS. This event was started to encourage students and their parents, to come and learn more about the different level courses that the high school has to offer. The night provided the opportunity to meet with honors and AP teachers, learn the course outlines and get specific questions answered from a panel of teachers.

Security or insecurity?

Brittany Overacker

In light of recent events, specifically the Newtown school shooting, administrators have taken steps toward increasing security measures. They have limited access to the school by locking all doors, except for those at the front entrance, at 7:45 A.M. These doors are to remain closed and locked throughout the day, encouraging everyone to enter the building through only the main entrance.

The Caffeine Conflict

Gracie Castle

In the morning, junior Harriet Prior walks down the hallway with a coffee cup in her hand. After school she walks behind the counter at Zumbach’s. For Harriet, coffee is an essential part of her day. “I drink coffee every single morning. I can’t get through the day without at least one cup or else I crash,” she said.

Second Annual Freaky Friday breaks grade barriers

Kate Howard

Because of the success of last year’s Freaky Friday, the Student Coalition, Student Advoactes and Emerging leaders are once again carrying on the tradition of breaking social barriers in the lounge on Feb. 1. This event was created because Student Advocates saw that despite the open seating arrangement in the lounge, students opt to sit in unspoken, designated sections by grade and the group decided to make a change.

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