Allie Neugeboren, Reporter @alneugiecourant Kirsten Ostling is a senior athlete at NCHS. She has taken her future into her own hands and left school this
NCHS choral program & madrigal ensemble
Eva Pace, Reporter @espcourant For so many students coming into the high school, the NCHS Choral Program serves as a safe haven from the nerve-wracking
Athlete Profile: Tyler Hill
Sam Stoner, Sports Editor @sstonercourant Tyler Hill is a junior at NCHS who plays hockey and lacrosse, and has been on the varsity hockey team
Strength and conditioning program takes over weight room
Samantha Axon, Reporter @SAxonCourant Last year, NCHS coaches came together and identified a need for a strength and conditioning program that would run throughout the
Seniors hit the red carpet for Post Prom Fashion Show
Brooke Holland, Reporter @bhollandCourant As the spring season quickly approaches, so does an event that plays a role in everyone’s high school experience: Prom.