Katie Tan, Reporter @KtanCourant The stage lights beam on the faces of dedicated actors and actresses. The play comes to life as audience members cry
Beautification Project Makes NCHS Stand Out
Leigh Charlton, News Editor Audrey Adl, Reporter @aadlcourant @leighcourant If a visitor toured the NCHS campus prior to October of 2015, they would have noticed an
Nurses Create a Healthy Living Route
Maddie Sturcke, Reporter @sturcke_courant You are sitting in class and doing a worksheet as you look out window into the endless pile of snow being
Pura Vida event: Feed my Starving Children
Caroline Knightly, Senior Editor @knightlycourant Starting May 21, 2016, the Pura Vida club, Feed My Starving Children food packing event, led by Sharon and Ian
Fall sports take on Spring training
Samantha Axon, Reporter @SAxonCourant One may believe that once November hits, the fall sports are over until August rolls around the next year. But, some