Natasha Tchir, Reporter @ntchircourant Students who want to participate in the NCHS Scholarship Foundation’s Color Run, which will take place on Saturday, April 28 at 9:30
What’s Next for VEX: World Championships
Joelle Anselmo, Reporter @janselmoCourant The NCHS VEX Robotics team recently qualified for the World Championships of VEX Robotics, as they scored 7th place overall at
Careers in Electives
Thomas Welch, Reporter @twelchcourant The wide range of electives offered at the school can be overwhelming: everything from car care, to interior design, to fashion
Arming Teachers: Safe or Sorry?
Eileen Flynn, Story Editor @eileen_courant In the wake of several school shootings, the idea of arming teachers has spurred debates surrounding the pros and cons
Teenagers and the power they never knew they had
In a time of prevalent student activism, sparked by the aftermath of the Parkland High School shooting, the young generations have proven they will not