Abbie Dymond, Sports Editor@abbiedcourant In the fourth quarter of a tight basketball game against Staples in January, Sophomore Griffin Bramwit leapt to pass the ball
“Hidden” classes allow students to discover their true passions
Peyton Zaletsky, Editor-in-Chief @peytonzcourant Did you know that the district offers a class where students can learn how to repair their own cars? Or what
How the climate crisis has sparked initiative throughout community
Alessandra Gass, Reporter@agasscourant Certain expectations come with being a teenager in modern society. Whether it be parental pressure in academics or societal emphasis on the
Hello, hola, bonjour: multilingual students share their experiences
Peyton Zaletsky, Features Editor@peytonzcourant While the average American can speak only one language fluently, Freshmen Radea Raleva can almost speak four. She speaks Bulgarian and
Mask-optional policy is a shift to a newer, better “normal”
On Monday, February 28, students across the school district had the option to not wear a face mask indoors for the first time since March