Griffin Paterson, Reporter @GPCourant When students at NCHS think of jazz music, most people fail to realize how close at hand it really is here
Tag: Music
The Noise: FULL OF HELL – Full of Hell & Merzbow
John Bemis Reporter @bemiscourant There has never been a discography more thoroughly debated in it’s legitimacy as music than that of Japan’s Masami Akita, better
Battle of the Bands: who won??
Jenny Levine and Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editors @JALevineCourant and @KSandvikCourant Last night marked the finale to the three-part Battle of the Bands
Students participate in literary magazines as an outlet from school assignments
Madeleine Gertsen, Features editor @mgertsencourant Most kids only sit down to write when they’ve got an English essay due the next day. However, for the staff
The five ways Spotify is becoming the best thing since sliced bread
Sitting in the backseat of my family’s 1997 Saturn station wagon, I was first exposed to the world of uninterrupted music. Annual drives