“New” God’s Acre mural acts as a history lesson and art exhibit all in one

When students filed into the familiar high school corridors for the first time in months, they were expecting a lot of new: new teachers, new dignified senior posters and the class of 2015. However there was a fresh adornment observing all of this from afar. Hung above the student calendar in the lounge, a mural appropriately named God’s Acre surveys the happenings of student life.

Artist nears completion of multi-month project for the Outback

Kelly Saiz

After nearly five months of painting, sophomore Katie Melland is nearing the completion of a mural intended for installation in the Outback Teen Center late this month. Katie designed the mural last August after her mom spotted an article in the New Canaan Advertiser outlining the contest, which requested local painters to create a mural sketch. Later that month Katie submitted a 2’x1’ sketch, which was selected in October.