Seniors to take NAEP Test

Isabel Lawrence
News Editor

For two weeks in March, sophomores undergo CAPT testing, a statewide exam that is a graduation requirement. However, CAPTs are not the only grade specific test taken at NCHS. On Feb. 12, the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) test will be adminsitered, to be taken by a group of randomly selected seniors.

Online class registration aims to facilitate student demand

This year, to fill courses more effectively, class registration was, for the first time, online. Not only did students have more time to select classes through their PowerSchool accounts, introduced last year for online access to grades and attendance, the administration and guidance department now have more accurate computerized data to better facilitate student demand.

Updated Powerschool creates a new way to view grades

Emily Brand
News Editor

Starting in September of this coming school year, a new method of entering grades and assignments will be put into place at NCHS. In hopes of diminishing problems that come up between teachers, parents and students, this new form of Powerschool will let students and parents view assignments that teachers put in their grade books online.