Library contest set to challenge student minds

Lily Kazemi
News Editor

In order to draw attention to the revised Core Values, Beliefs and Learning Expectations poster, the library designed a contest in which participants must identify the 14 students and 10 faculty members depicted on the poster. This contest, open to both students and staff, will end Apr. 30 and all submissions with the 24 correct identities will then be entered into a raffle for a $50 Amazon gift certificate. A form to fill out the answers is located on the library’s homepage.

Social media’s newfound home inside the classroom

Tyler Kendall

We are living in an era witnessing the emergence of the most innovative and efficient technology the world market has ever seen. Facebook had 845 million monthly users at the end of December 2011, according to the company’s website. As our society becomes increasingly more advanced in the field of social media, this shift appears to have larger implications than just being able to stay connected with friends and family…

John Green: The Biggest Nerd of Them All

Isabel Lawrence

Though he is a New York Times best selling author, has been published in more than twelve languages, is the winner of the Michael L. Printz Award in 2006 and the Edgar Award in 2009, and was a Los Angeles Times Book Prize finalist not once but twice, John Green is not widely known. Other authors such as J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer bring instant Potter and vampire connections to mind; but to many, John Green draws a blank. This up and coming author, however, is gaining speed and quickly making a name for himself in the young adult (YA) literature world.

Library website re-design by a student, for the students

Harrison Burt

A new edition of the library website was launched prior to the start of the second semester, once Library Department Chair Michelle Luhtala and senior Julia Hofer collaborated to update the site. After the commissioning of Jeanne McDonagh’s Photoshop class for a new website header, Julia’s work was selected because, according to Ms. Luhtala, her collage signified what makes the library a threshold for education advancement.

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