Kayla Beck, Reporter @kbeckcourant Whether on the field or in the kitchen, team managers do it all. The athletes of the New Canaan sports teams
Tag: Friends
Keeping up with your resolutions
Caroline Castle, Senior Editor @ccastlecourant Dear people who have failed to keep up with their resolutions, I will be the first to admit, I have
Post-Midterm Feels
Alexandra Harte, Reporter @aharte_courant Post-midterms: the ultimate education slump. Everyone is worn out and ready for February break, dreading the four more weeks of work.
Letter to NCHS seniors
Emma Nolan, Editor-in-Chief @emman_courant Hello Seniors, It’s me again, for one of the last times. Trust me I really, really tried not to write a
LiveGirl connects girls across Fairfield County
Ellen Ludtke, Editor-in-Chief @eludtkecourant For many people, middle school is or was a time of maturation and figuring out their niche within their school and