With tryouts and pre-seasons drawing to a close, the NCHS fall sports teams are gearing up for their seasons. Leading those teams are the new
Tag: fall
10 Things I am NOT Thankful For
Audrey Piehl Opinions Editor #sandyisab*tch Whether or not you blame it on the rising seas or Obama’s reelection, the weather this fall has been crazy.
Fall Fashion 2012: Top Ten Must-Haves
With the changing hues of the fall leaves comes the changing fall fashion! Ladies its time to put the jean shorts and tank tops away and embrace the autumn weather. Here are the top ten must-have items this season, perfect for pumpkin picking, trick-or-treating, and homecoming!
Fall Sports Preview
Isabel Hetherington & Emily Wood
Sports Editors
With captains’ practices, timed miles and August tryouts out of the way, student athletes are finally able to take a breath of fresh air as they begin their fall practices. As the season begins, the new year boasts new captains, teams, standout freshmen and chances for the Rams to seize the state title.
Godspell preaches under the big top
Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Despite popular belief, the genius of acclaimed composer Stephen Schwartz has been ringing in the public’s ears on more than one occasion. His lyrics helped Elphaba defy the gravity of Oz, deftly apply the colorful brushstrokes to Pocahontas’ wind, breath life into the circus community of Jesus Christ…wait. What was that last one?