Katie Tan, Media Editor @ktancourant Student Advocates is bringing back the school picnic for the first time in three years, and hopefully, it is here
Tag: event
Poetry Fest Recap 2018
Joelle Anselmo, Story Editor @janselmoCourant Every year, NCHS hosts Poetry Fest in the Wagner Room, where students can share their poems aloud to an audience
Athlete Profile: Claire Conley
Sam Stoner, Sports Editor @sstonercourant When most people think of NCHS track and field, they think of running through Waveny or sprinting around the track.
Speakers and students to meet tomorrow at Career Night
Isabel Lawrence
News Editor
With Career Night tomorrow, the committee is making final preparations for the event. However, those running the event are not the only ones doing last minute alterations, as speakers are also planing for the big night.
Why you should come to Career Night
Isabel Lawrence
News Editor
Students will get a chance to learn about potential careers, make business connections and network with professionals on Career Night, Mar. 27 at the high school from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Upon arrival, students will receive brief bios of the speakers presenting as well as the industries being represented. Students will attend two, 45 minute sessions, starting at 7:15. Snacks for the night will also be generously provided by Pepsi.