The state of the euro and what it means for America

America and the world will be watching Europe this fall as European leaders try to strengthen the Euro before the euro zone can be weakened any further. The European Central Bank President Mario Draghi will be unveiling new measures this week that will widen the scope of the ECB’s power over all European banks. These measures promise to further centralize the funds within the EU to the ECB, allowing countries such as Greece and Spain to obtain bailouts more easily.

Learning something new from something old in Turkey

Serra Oral
Senior Editor

“You can wear shorts there?” the older lady from New Jersey said to me as we sat on the plane heading to Turkey. “I’ve brought only long clothes since it’s a Muslim country.” For as long as I have been coming to Turkey, my family and I have always met tourists who were surprised about these kinds of cultural norms. In Turkey, not every woman wears a headscarf and even though the food may look unappetizing and mysterious, it’s actually really good.

Two students voyage overseas to Africa and Europe

Grace Burke
Associate Editor

While many students’ summers are filled with time consuming jobs or days at the beach, some privileged teens are jet setting around the world gaining experiences of a lifetime. They took the time to find programs outside of school that allowed them to travel and focus in on their specific interests. Senior Jackie Trager reflected on her trip with her family to three different countries in Africa.