Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor @ksandvikcourant Calling all student illustrators, painters, filmmakers, photographers, and sculptors, the formation of the upcoming gallery, “This is Us:
Tag: drawing
Annual Summer Art Gallery exhibits variety of student work
Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor In order to showcase the multitude of art that students produced while on break, the NCHS Gallery Committee
Student artists of all realms utilize summer for improving their craft
Kaitlyn Sandvik Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor The creativity of student artists doesn’t end with the school year. While many spent the summer break lounging
Uncovering the secret talents of hidden artists
Casey Clifford Reporter Everyday, hundreds of students, teachers and faculty members pass through the art gallery in the front hallway of the school. Beneath each
Silvermine Arts Center: Where students can pursue their passions
Chloe Rippe
Silvermine Arts Center, naturally inspiring with its pond and overgrown foliage, is the artistic home for many students at NCHS. It is in the homey wooden rooms filled with easels and brushes that they discover new ways to channel their passion for art, while also developing fundamental skills.