Katie Tan, Media Editor @ktancourant https://spark.adobe.com/page-embed.js
Tag: courant
The Origins of Spirit Week
Skye Curren, Reporter @esccourant For one week every school year, NCHS is transformed. Instead of student’s usual apparel, the school halls are filled, varying each
NCHS teams up with Carver Kids
Joelle Anselmo, Story Editor Katie Jahns, Reporter @janselmocourant @kmjahns To most kids, a birthday is a celebration filled with presents and cake. However, NCHS student
One Pen Can Save A Life
Matthew Pelli, Reporter @MPelliCourant Imagine living in a world where you don’t have a pen to write something down. When you walk into a medical
The Ideal High School
Joelle Anselmo, Story Editor @janselmoCourant Personalized learning is New Canaan High School’s new yearly goal for 2018, and teachers are adapting and changing their