Matthew Pelli, Reporter @MPelliCourant The Human Rights Club is promoting human and raising awareness about controversial issues around the globe. This club is headed by
Tag: courant
The Up in Arms Event: Students Get Involved
Meera Srinivasan, Story Editor @meerascourant In the wake of the shooting in Parkland Florida, students around the nation have gotten involved with the school safety
Black History Month
Joelle Anselmo, Story Editor @janselmocourant Every February, Black History Month is celebrated to commemorate the African Americans who helped transform the world into a more
Why students consider taking a year off
Joelle Anselmo, Story Editor @janselmocourant As he stepped onto the grounds of the Plaza de España in Seville, Spain, or dipped into the glistening, blue
Cookies and Culture
Skye Curren, Reporter @esccourant Every year as the holiday season begins, it’s a holiday tradition that students spend time with their families baking. Holiday baking