Veronica Gass, Reporter @vgasscourant Every year, counselors begin the year with senior and freshman appointments in the fall and move to junior and sophomore appointments
Tag: counselor
Why students consider taking a year off
Joelle Anselmo, Story Editor @janselmocourant As he stepped onto the grounds of the Plaza de España in Seville, Spain, or dipped into the glistening, blue
New ‘Teen Talk’ Counselor: Samantha Wynn
Caroline Cioffi, Reporter @cciofficourant Located across from the nurse’s office, students may notice a classroom door decorate with the words “I help with…” and brightly colored
Saying goodbye to Teen Talk’s counselor, Ed Milton
Holly Santero, News Editor @SanteroCourant When walking down the hallway passing the nurse’s office, one may notice the small adjacent classroom whose doors are always
A summer spent intensely artistic
Bryn Pennetti
Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor
Immersed 24/7 in a pool of artistic wonderment, I spent eight straight weeks up in New Milford, Connecticut at Buck’s Rock Creative and Performing Arts Camp. This was my fourth summer at the camp. Being a Counselor in Training (CIT), I also kept a job half the day at the painting studio where I worked helping children paint and draw in a variety of medias.