DNC 2012

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor

On the heels of a successful Republican National Convention, a looming jobs report, and an economy that is still deeply suffering, Democrats were put in the spotlight to throw a convention miracle. The stakes were high: Barack Obama had to convince the American people to give him four more years to put the economy on track. Without a doubt, this convention met and exceeded expectations with its line-up of effective prime-time speakers. Could this be the turning point of the election?

RNC 2012

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor

Even the torrential rains of Hurricane Issac could not prevent the GOP from holding their national convention, a successful one to boot. Party operatives set out to make a convention that both re-introduced Governor Mitt Romney to the American people, and buff out the ruff edges of his public image. On both these counts they succeeded, but was it enough?