Holly Santero, News Editor @SanteroCourant As students are still winding down from the stress of midterms and preparation for February break, many might forget that
Tag: college
College basketball game of the week: February 8th
Sam Axon Reporter @SAxonCourant Wearing the #1 jersey, Wayne Selden Jr weaves his way through a pack of Kentucky Wildcat defenders. Arms fly in his
Are they going to accept, defer, or deny me?
Victoria Worcester, Reporter @vworc_courant It seems like this year, fewer and fewer members of the senior class are posting Facebook statuses about where they are attending
Academic dishonesty: don’t do it but if you do, let me know what happens
Kate McMahon Opinions Editor @KateM_Courant It’s rather alarming when I see students frantically checking their Powerschool with a calculator in one hand and a pencil
Do’s and dont’s of college visits
Allie Neugeboren & Sofia Paloka Reporters @alneugiecourant @spalokacourant Mary leaves the notebook in the car, and regretfully drags along their parents and siblings on an