NCHS Free the Children Water Walk this Sunday

Taylor du Pont
Associate Media Editor

The charity driven and education promoting organization, Free the Children strives to empower youths to free the Earth’s population of the cycle of poverty. Locally, Free the Children clubs have been organized as schools such as NCHS, Saxe Middle sChool, South School and Saint Lukes.

Free the Children members carry water back to the village in Kenya. Photo Contributed by Abbie Stone
“The goal of free the children is to empower youth to change the world,” junior Liza Swindell said. “They work 50% locally and 50% globally to help with such things as sustainable development, health care and education.”

Say yes to recycling your prom dress this season

Isabel Lawrence

On Mar. 19-23, the Post Prom Committee will be collecting gently used, clean, formal dresses in front of the main office from 7:30 am-2:15 pm to be donated to the Christian Community Action in Norwalk. However, New Canaan students in need of a prom dress will have first priority to the selection of dresses.

Coffeehouse’s atmosphere blends acoustics with charity

Taylor du Pont

In hopes to raise awareness and money for the Save the Children Organization, CharityLink will be hosting a Coffee House on Dec. 8 at 7:00- 9:00pm in the multi-purpose room. Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria from Dec. 5-8 for the price of 5 dollars. The event will showcase the NCHS Orchestra Chamber Group and solo artists such as juniors Christy Coco and Alyssa Thompson and sophomore Olivia Harkey.

Pura Vida holds third annual Flag Football Tournament

Elizabeth Kilbride
News Editor

The Pura Vida club hosted their third annual flag football tournament Sunday, November 8 on the water tower field. There were 23 teams and 151 players.

Sharon Knechtle founded Pura Vida at NCHS four years ago after she went on a mission trip with students. They enjoyed the trip and weren’t ready to have it all end, she said. As a result, they decided to make a year-round club dedicated to helping the world’s impoverished people.