Caroline Cioffi, Reporter @cciofficourant As students drove onto campus the week of March 12th, they were met with large signs displaying a sort of driving
Tag: cars
What Does the New Black Parking Pass Mean for Juniors?
Katie Tan, Media Editor @KtanCourant If you’ve strolled through the NCHS parking lots this year, you may have noticed that not all the parking pass stickers
The Waveny Dirt Lot: parking miracle or dangerous mud-trap?
Sean Davidson Reporter Sophomores, juniors, and even seniors make the choice to park in the Waveny Park dirt-lot, despite the long walk to school and
Parking wars: a fight for space
Lizzy Burke
Features Editor
Sara is one of the hundreds of students who are constantly navigating around the strict parking laws here at the high school. Segregated parking is not a new trend for New Canaan High School, but recently there have been many complaints about the severe punishment and conflict it presents.