Reporter: Abby Weiss @AWeissCourant Picture this: You have just graduated from college and you, along with thirty other people, are having lunch with Barack Obama.
Tag: barack obama
Jeh Johnson, Director of the Department of Homeland Security, visits an American Studies class
By Abigail Neugeboren, News Editor @AbigailNCourant and Emilia Savini, Features Editor @ESaviniCourant On Monday December 22, almost one year after Jeh Charles Johnson was sworn
Two NCHS students hope for success in United States Senate Youth Program
Matt Riley, News Editor @MRileyCourant Every year, two students from each state have the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to participate in the United States
Presidential Debate Preview I
Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor
This coming Wednesday the first Presidential Debate will be held at the University of Denver. It focuses on domestic policy and it will be an extremely important event in the election. It is no secret that President Obama holds a significant lead against Governor Romney in both the popular vote and the electoral college. This is a make-or-break moment for both the Obama and Romney campaigns. Elections can easily be decided in one debate – Reagan’s 1980 victory has been credited to his superb debate performance against Carter – and both campaigns are very aware of this. Here are a couple of things each of the candidates needs to accomplish:
Mitt Romney and the War on Women
Steffi Badanes
Blogs Editor
In 2002, Mitt Romney was pro-choice. He strongly believed in protecting women’s rights to choose. Now in 2012, he’s pro-life and carelessly tells America that he plans on “getting rid” of Planned Parenthood and instead give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. So the man who once believed in protecting women’s rights now believes that women shouldn’t be able to have access to cancer screenings, pap smears, STD tests/treatments, and other forms of basic health care? He would rather help Americans who need it the least?