Memorial Day festivities prepare to take flight

Jack Ludtke
Business Manager

When integrated Union armies of the Civil War laid flowers on the graves of their fellow soldiers in 1865, they didn’t know they were starting a holiday that would become iconic in American culture. This holiday, then called “Decoration Day,” became steeped in American tradition, eventually becoming “Memorial Day.” Today, we celebrate Memorial Day as a way to recognize the efforts and sacrifices of veterans, both living and deceased.

Assembly puts 9/11 in perspective: ten years after

Kate Howard
News Editor

Tomorrow, the September 11, Ten Years After assembly, organized by History Department Head Richard Webb, will be held in the auditorium. The assembly will feature a panel discussion led by six speakers including VOICES of September 11th co-founder Mary Fetchet, author of “Messages: Signs, Visits and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11″ Bonnie McEneaney, among others. There will also be performances by the NCHS Madrigals and the band.

Remembering 9/11 ten years later

Kate Howard
News Editor

Ten years ago tomorrow, America was attacked by nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists on a beautiful September morning. The tenth anniversary of 9/11 serves as a reminder of how our nation has bound together in times of tragedy and the day that forever changed history. To pay tribute to the victims of September 11, several seniors have organized their own projects.

9th annual Memorial Day assembly brings greater meaning to the weekend

Gabrielle Ames

On May 27, NCHS hosted its ninth annual Memorial Day Veterans’ Symposium in the auditorium to honor of all the veterans in New Canaan and surrounding areas.

The assembly covered periods one and six and was a great success. Students from all grades came to honor the veterans. “This has been our biggest event ever, with over 180 veterans in attendance who fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq,” secretary Lynda Pescatello said.