Anna Grzymski, Reporter @annagcourant In the recent online Carriage Barn art exhibit titled Capturing New Canaan, 15 pieces were selected in a competition to showcase
Tag: art
What’s that wave print you keep seeing?
Matt Doka, Reporter @doka_matt This probably isn’t your first time seeing the picture above. Most would say that it’s up there with the Mona Lisa
Art for Non-Artists
Lucy Lee, Reporter@lucyleecourant Art is one of my favorite ways to keep myself busy, and over the quarantine period, it has been my all-time favorite
Creativity in Quarantine
Ellie O’Hare, Reporter@EOHare_Courant The closing of schools and restrictions of almost every social gathering have left most of us stuck in our houses with family
Creativity for change: Starting a business at 16 years old
Hannah Tiller, Media Editor @hannahtcourant In October 2019, I began a journey to create a business as a junior in high school. While I knew