Lauren O’Malley, Features Editor @lomalleycourant Why am I worrying about failing a math test? Why am I so concerned with doing well on my english
Tag: applications
Reducing the Stress of College Applications
Lauren Doherty, Reporter@ldohertycourant In addition to balancing a social life, school, and extracurriculars, seniors across the country are faced with the burden of college applications.
Do’s and dont’s of college visits
Allie Neugeboren & Sofia Paloka Reporters @alneugiecourant @spalokacourant Mary leaves the notebook in the car, and regretfully drags along their parents and siblings on an
App of the Week: Mindomo
Shelby Haydu Contributor Mindomo is one of those apps that will be every scatter-brained, tangent-loving individual’s best friend. Its format begins with the essential
App of the Week: 1Password
The NCHS techXpert team will now be contributing app reviews, the following is by Spencer Reeves.