Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor
A little over a decade after the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, more and more examples of remembrance of those who passed have cropped up around the United States and beyond.
Audrey Piehl
Arts & Entertainment Editor
A little over a decade after the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, more and more examples of remembrance of those who passed have cropped up around the United States and beyond.
Kate Howard
News Editor
Tomorrow, the September 11, Ten Years After assembly, organized by History Department Head Richard Webb, will be held in the auditorium. The assembly will feature a panel discussion led by six speakers including VOICES of September 11th co-founder Mary Fetchet, author of “Messages: Signs, Visits and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11″ Bonnie McEneaney, among others. There will also be performances by the NCHS Madrigals and the band.
Kate Howard and Lily Kazemi
News Editors
NCHS finally opened its doors to students on Tuesday, September 6, after an extended week of summer due to Hurricane Irene. We had been busy assembling the news section in preparation for September long before August 31, the original NCPS start date in 2011. Not discouraged by the storm, the faculty and students had high spirits about meeting their teachers, adjusting to their schedule and getting back into the routine of waking up at 6:30 every morning. September has provided much material for our section.
Kate Howard
News Editor
Ten years ago tomorrow, America was attacked by nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists on a beautiful September morning. The tenth anniversary of 9/11 serves as a reminder of how our nation has bound together in times of tragedy and the day that forever changed history. To pay tribute to the victims of September 11, several seniors have organized their own projects.