Summer Plans 2024

Summer Plans 2024

Emma Amaya, Reporter


Imagine this: you just finished your final exam of the year and are sitting in the library. You watch as the clock strikes 2:30. The bell rings and you, along with all other students, begin to file out of the school as everyone finally lets the first few seconds of summer break sink in. 

During summer break, students often go out with friends and family, go on vacation, or simply relax on their couch at home with their favorite TV show playing on screen. Take a look at what some students are doing this summer break as it rapidly approaches.

Plans to stay inside with the air conditioning on or swimming seem to be popular, as this summer will be a hot one with record-breaking temperatures. Freshman Carolina Chimera plans to stay cool in the scorching heat this summer by swimming at her cousin’s pool. “My house doesn’t have a pool, so usually we go to our cousin’s house and swim there,” she said. “Sometimes  we’ll spray each other with the hose.”

Freshman Jack Busby also has plans to stay cool in the heat with swimming. “My cousins live close to us, so we spend a lot of time with them over the summer,” said Jack. “This summer is the perfect time to hang out with family and friends, without any worry about upcoming homework, tests, and grades.” 

Summer is the perfect time to go on vacation, whether it be to an island or to a foreign country. Carolina has plans on going to Europe for summer vacation. “I’ll be in Europe for two weeks right after school ends. We have to take a red-eye flight to London and connect there, eventually flying into Milan,” she said. “We’re going to stay in Italy for a week, then we’re flying over to Paris and staying there for another week.”  

Soon enough, it will be August 30, and students will be filing into school again, nervous, yet excited for their first class. Students are hoping this is going to be a summer to remember. “I’m super excited for this year’s summer and I hope to get out of the house,” said Jack.