StuCo’s Innovation Makes for a Successful Spirit Week

StuCo’s Innovation Makes for a Successful Spirit Week

Aleena Nasruddin, Reporter

With Homecoming just three weeks ago, StuCo was busying themselves with several meetings filtering through homecoming theme, spirit week and costume ideas.

The Student Coalition Sophomore president Izzy Kaufman was anticipating Spirit Week. “It was a long process with a bunch of texting, brainstorming and saying things like ‘no, let’s try something else’ or ‘that’s so amazing,’” Izzy said.

Student Coalition president Theo Kammerer put up posters encouraging students to attend Homecoming. Photo by Lexie Hirai

The homecoming dance was on Friday night in the Main Gym with the theme ‘Grease’ from 7pm-10pm. Grease was chosen for the theme because last year’s theme, Footloose, was met with great excitement. “We think the casual attire was a super popular choice because it didn’t feel like you had to go out and buy a dress or a suit,” Izzy said. “You could just come in wearing a dress from home, or even jeans. Sneakers, as well, are way more comfortable than heels.”

A physical education teacher, Priscilla Schulz, is one of the teachers that leads Student Coalition. Ms. Schulz was excited about activities, such as Banner Night on Monday, October 14, and the pep rally on Friday, October 18. Ms. Schulz said, “It’s a great bonding experience for all of the grades.” Ms. Schulz was also thrilled for the bonfire hosted on Friday, October 18, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. “The bonfire is a big event. We have two bands that are going to play for us, and of course, we light the bonfire. “It’s just a nice, relaxing, fun night,” Ms. Schulz said.

The head of Student Coalition, Theo Kammerer, was looking forward to Spirit Week, especially the new costume theme, USA day. “We’re hoping that everybody will be able to get dressed up in red, white, and blue and stars and stripes,” he said. “That should be pretty fun.”

After Homecoming, the Student Coalition now plans on starting their class service projects where each grade gets together and raises money for a selected charity. The seniors have always done the cystic fibrosis walk, while the sophomores could possibly be funding cancer research. They also plan on making our school more green by trying to get rid of some plastic waste being generated. “It’s something that is probably more difficult for us to do because it is in the hands of the administration, but we’re going to try our best,” said Izzy. “This is something that we really have to take into account nowadays.”

Spirit Week and Homecoming was an opportunity for all grades to have a fun time and show their enthusiasm. “It’s nice for everybody to get together, boost their school pride and bond over their school spirit,” Theo said.