StucCo holds Soup-or-Bowl food drive

Jack Ludtke

Even though Christmas is over, the Junior Student Coalition is still in the season of giving. From Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, the week before Super Bowl XLVI, the student leaders will run the “Soup-or-Bowl” fundraising campaign. Each English class will compete to see which can collect the most cans for the Fairfield County Food Bank.

Student Coalition hosts a can drive every January to benefit the Fairfield County Food Bank. Graphic by Jack Ludtke

The drive was planned earlier this year when the Student Council contacted the Fairfield County Food Bank and asked how they could help.

“The food bank suggested a can drive because they are essentially depleted after the holiday season,” junior Sam Murray, a council member said. “In fact, at this time of the year we will be their biggest contributors by far.”

Junior Molly James, the social board president, agreed. “We have done similar drives in past years, so it wasn’t hard to organize,” she said.

The drive will be football themed to reflect the actual Super Bowl later that week. “We decided to go with the Super Bowl theme to make people remember that this event will occur every year around this  time,” Sam said.

The Soup-or-Bowl Drive will be run a little differently than winter can drives in the past. “The English Department has generously volunteered to keep the collection bins in their rooms, so this year will be a competition between English classes,” Sam said. “We mostly did cans for the Turkey Drive and Toys for Tots, so we’ll focus mostly on collecting cans.”

Representative Sam Murray is ready to start collecting. Photo by Emily Brand

“There will also be a box where students can drop items off in front of the main office, and representatives would be happy to take monetary donations,” Molly said.

There will be plenty more opportunities to help out: Sam said there is another great fundraiser on the way. “We will probably have a bake sale soon, so keep your eyes open,” he said.