Jenny Levine
Arts, Entertainment and Technology
Another week, another round of trailers for soon-to-be blockbusters. Personally I’m psyched for Star Wars, JJ Abrams hasn’t given us a reason to be apprehensive, and anything is better than the steaming pile of garbage that was the prequels.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Quick review: Although we were given 88 seconds, well, we get a bunch of dark shots. But we do get a taste of the desert/aerial action soon to come.
Actors to look out for: Oscar Isaac, Inside Llweyn Davis (my new man crush), Lupita N’oyongo, 12 Years a Slave (my perpetual girl crush), and Adam Driver, Girls (he’s like a Benedict-Cumberbatch-kinda attractive)
Skip to: :50, crossed light sabers!!
Mad Max: Fury Road
Quick Review: The “Mad Max” franchise that boosted Mel Gibson into stardom gets a reboot under the helm of the very same director, George Miller. This modern version has extremely high expectations, and just from the looks of the trailer looks like it’s going to move into a somewhat different direction from typical action movies and moving into the direction into the likes of Sin City.
Actors to look out for: Tom Hardy, The Dark Night Rises, Charlize Theron, Prometheus, and Nicholas Hoult, X-Men: Days of Future Past (donning a very Scarecrow like personna and look)
Skip to: 1:21 what a lovely day!
Jurassic World
Quick Review: All I’m going to say is if Harrison Ford can make an appearance in Star Wars then I better see Mr. Jeff Goldblum on the big screens on June 12.
Actors to look out for: Chris Pratt, Guardians of the Galaxy (his cheekbones could cut through my heart) and Jake Johnson, New Girl (“I’m not convinced I know how to read. I’ve just memorized a lot of words”)
Skip to: 1:10, what the frickity frack was that?!
James Bond-Spectre

photo courtesy of bbc
Announcements: Director Sam Mendes announced that the next Bond movie is going to be titled, Spectre. Oscar winner and silver fox Christoph Waltz is going to portray the next Bond villain named Oberhauser, while French actress Lea Seydoux and Italian actress Monica Bellucci will both play Bond girls named Madeleine Swann and Lucia Sciarra, respectively.
Most important to die hard Bond fans is the car. Well, Spectre’s car is going to be a return to Goldfinger with the Aston Martin DB10.
Actors to look out for: Ralph Fiennes, Harry Potter series and Andrew Scott, Sherlock