Tuesday: Costume day, sophomores as Hawaiians. Photo by Nora Moley
Wednesday: Country or country club day. Photo by Nora Moley
Wednesday: Country or country club day. Photo by Nora Moley
Thursday: Turn back the clock day, freshman in 50s attire. Photo by Nora Moley
Thursday: Turn back the clock day, sophomores in 60s attire. Photo by Nora Moley
Thursday: Turn back the clock day, juniors in 70s attire. Photo by Catherine Burges
Thursday: Turn back the clock day, seniors in 80s attire. Photo by Catherine Burges
Friday: Red and black day. Photo by Julie Song
Pep Rally at Dunning Stadium, 10/22
Varsity teams battle it out playing three-legged race, wheelbarrowing, and ending in a dance competition. Photo by Serena Platt
The field hockey team executes a costume change during dance routine, revealing coordinated Pitbull costumes with bald caps, white button-downs, ties, and sunglasses. Photo by Serena Platt
The football team lost the team dance competition, but celebrated in tribute to the star of their dance routine, Nick Deligtisch. Photo by Serena Platt
Senior MC’s Abby Gaudreau, Matthew Wronski, and Zack Ramppen hosted the pep rally outdoors in Dunning Stadium. Photo by Serena Platt
Students pack the stands at Dunning Stadium. Photo by Serena Platt
The cheerleading squad finishes up a homecoming routine. Photo by Serena Platt
The sophomore class wins the four-way tug of war between grades. Photo by Serena Platt
The juniors cheer on friends during games. Photo by Julie Song
Bonfire, 10/22
The Student Coalition gathered newspaper to stuff and prepare the bonfire before lighting later at night. Photo by Julie Song
Ceremonial “W” carved out of wood to symbolize Homecoming opponent the Wilton Warriors. Photo by Julie Song
The bonfire is an annual homecoming tradition ran by Student Coalition. Each grade sells drinks and food products to fundraise for class funds. Photo by Julie Song
Freshman band “Strangers on the Street” played a full set, accompanied by English teacher Mr. Gallo for a small feature. Photo by Julie Song