Tyler Kendall and Ted O’Rourke
Editors for Spectator Literary Magazine
Spectator is New Canaan High School’s very own literary magazine. Published each spring, it contains the poetry, short stories, illustrations, and photographs that members of our incredibly talented student body submit over the course of the year. The Spectator club discusses, reviews, and edits these submissions, gathering them into the final magazine that comes out at the end of May.

We encourage all of you to send us any creative writing or artwork you’ve done recently. You don’t have to be a member or come to our meetings in order to submit, or have to submit to be a member or come to our meetings! (although if you’re not a member you’re missing out on the best Monday nights ever.)
We don’t have the old yahoo account anymore, so now it’s easier than ever to send us your work. The email is already programmed into all school gmail contact lists, and is nchs.spectator@ncps-k12.org.

Submit, submit, submit! And make sure to check back for more installments, including accepted poetry and photography, from your fellow spectators.