Brooke Holland, Reporter

As the spring season quickly approaches, so does an event that plays a role in everyone’s high school experience: Prom. A big part of this special night is everyone’s outfits. So to help inspire students of NCHS, the annual Post Prom Fashion Show is back. It will be held on Friday, February 26 at 7pm in the New Canaan High School auditorium.
The models that will be participating in the show are NCHS’s very own seniors. Senior Sabrina Santoni talked about her motivation to get involved in the annual event. “In the past seniors looked like they were having a good time and I wanted to have the same experience,” Sabrina said. “The sign-up was pretty straight forward; they sent out an email with the link on Moodle to register your name and then the parents that volunteered sent us the necessary information after.”

Along with the seniors, Principal Bill Egan will also be making an appearance on stage. “I’m going to be participating in it. I’m wearing a tuxedo. So I’m looking forward to it, I’ll probably bring my daughter down and have her check that out as well,” Principal Egan said.

One key detail of the show is what the students are wearing as they make their way down the runway. Senior Jack Dinnie noted the quick and easy process of getting his runway-ready outfit. “You get to choose between formal or casual clothes, so you have a little say in what you wear,” Jack said. “I chose formal, then after that I walked into Camilo’s, got measured and set up with a tux in a matter of ten minutes.”
With everything the seniors already have going on in their lives, it might seem like the fashion show has the potential to add extra stress. Sabrina however confirmed that any straining situations were quickly resolved by the parents in charge. “It was a little stressful at one point because my fitting for the store I was assigned was much later than the fittings for the other stores,” Sabrina said. “I visited ahead of time and did not see any dresses there even though we were assigned formal wear. This was resolved though with the help of the parents that volunteered. They offered a different store and also made sure that it was going to get a shipment of dresses before the show.”

Thanks to the parents who stepped up to volunteer, all the models involved can focus on getting excited for the show. Jack is looking forward to seeing his friends and peers on the evening of the show. “I’m excited for the show because a lot of my friends are involved,” he said.

Students are not the only ones looking forward to the big night, Mr. Egan also added that he was eager to participate in this event with the senior class. “I want to see the kids have fun. I think it’s a great opportunity for them to be able to relax and be themselves,” he said. “They don’t have to worry about school, they can just come and have a good time.”
While the models are busy getting their outfits organized and practicing their walks, be sure to buy your tickets for the big night. They can be purchased by students during lunch block for ten dollars, or at the door on Friday for twenty dollars.